Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Prenatal Visit 13

Wow, nothing like the impending birth of a child to keep me on top of my blogging duties! Yesterday was what *might* be the last of my prenatal visits (although there is one more scheduled for next Tuesday). My doc checked me again, and I haven't made too much progress since last week. I'm still a solid 1cm dilated, working on 2. At the same time, she went ahead and stripped my membranes, a rather uncomfortable way to possibly jump start labor (and, besides some strong cramping last night, no such luck so far).

If I haven't delivered by next week, my doc would like to induce labor on April 2nd (much to my dismay, as it is my hope to avoid induction). I guess the silver lining though is that one way or another, we'll finally get to meet our little man by the end of next week.

Anyway, I have officially reached my due date, and no, the baby is not here yet!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

To the Men Who Read this Blog

When your wife is 39.5 weeks pregnant, and she reminds you that as of this month you have been together for 4 years, do not respond by saying, "And I've been dying ever since!"

Even if you are kidding (and hopefully you are), she will not be amused, and your statement will likely be met with tears. You have been warned.

Prenatal Visit 12

Last Tuesday was my 12th visit to my doctor, and I finally feel like some progress has been made (well, besides the progress of my ever-swelling belly, of course!). I have been experiencing more frequent Braxton-Hicks contractions over the past couple weeks, and have also experienced some lower abdominal cramping - both signs that my body is preparing itself for birth. So, upon learning this information, my nurse gave me the paper sheet, and told me to get into my birthday suit from the waist down. My doc came in shortly after, and said she would go ahead and check me (for those of you unfamiliar with pregnancy, "checking" involves an uncomfortable finger in a very private place). To my surprise, I was actually dilated to 1cm. My doctor said it didn't really mean much at that point, but heck, to me it was something! 1 down, 9 to go... my glass is always half full!

Our nursery is ready to go (and in my "first-time-mom delusions," I think I've got everything I need), so I haven't been feeding the nesting instinct too much over the past week. But on Thursday, I decided to come home, cook dinner, bake brownies... long story short, I did a little too much, spent too much time on my feet, and was paying for it with some pretty strong cramps. They amounted to nothing in the end, but I apparently didn't communicate that too well to Mike (and I'm sure a bout of nervous tears when we went to bed didn't help). I found out on Friday evening when he got home from work that he didn't sleep well because he thought Thursday night was going to be "the night."

I'm starting to think that Joey won't be quite as late as I first expected, although there really is no way to tell, and I probably just totally jinxed myself by saying that. My doc did say she doesn't want me go too far past 41 weeks. I think her words were, "If you haven't gone into labor by then, we'll probably induce you at 41-ish weeks." The thought of induction scares the crap out of me, so I'm sure she and I will discuss this further at visit 13 on Tuesday, especially if I haven't made any more progress.

I'm about to jinx myself again by saying this, but, to my surprise, I haven't been felt up in the grocery store (or anywhere, for that matter) by any belly-rubbing strangers, and have also managed to dodge any unsolicited advice from said strangers. Amazing. I was, however, told by a customer that I saw about two weeks ago, upon informing her that my baby is due this coming Wednesday, that I "look great" and she "didn't even know I was pregnant!" Hmm, I don't mind the first half of that compliment, but I'm not too sure about the second half. I guess I'll just err on the side of her best intentions with that statement, but only because I like her!

So, as it stands, it's time to hurry up and wait.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Prenatal Visits 10 & 11 (and a Shower In Between)

Any day now. That's what I've been hearing since last week's visit to my doctor. I hit 37 weeks last Wednesday, and that is considered full term. As much as I would like Joey to arrive "any day now," there is a part of me hoping that he will wait a little longer - at least until his due date, but hopefully not too long after. There seems to be so much to do still. His nursery is not finished, and I have loose ends to wrap up at work before I (possibly) take any maternity leave.

Last week's doctor visit included my Group B Strep screening (basically, a Q-tip where the sun don't shine). One third of women test positive for Group B Strep, and although it's not necessarily harmful to mom, it can cause serious problems for baby. If the test comes back positive, it's automatic IV antibiotics for mom upon arrival to the hospital - not part of my birth plan. So, at this week's visit, I was relieved to find out that my test came back negative. *Phew!* I also went over my birth plan with my doc, and save for a couple of comments (none were negative, more just informational), she was fine with everything we had included. She said she's seen some odd requests before (like, "I don't want a c-section under any circumstances," and, "I'd like to give birth while sitting on the toilet.") and she wanted to make sure it didn't say anything like, "I'd like Dr. S to deliver me while standing on her head and singing the Star Spangled Banner. Although I could probably do that!" I love my doctor.

On Friday of last week, my mom and I headed to the Bay Area to attend a shower that my sister-in-law, Alli, was hosting for me on Saturday. She did an amazing job putting the shower together. (Thanks, Alli!!) Our nursery has a safari/animal theme going on, so she incorporated the theme into the shower. There were safari animals on the invitations, a safari cake, animal shaped sugar cookies as favors (that she and her mom baked), and even a "diaper cake" with a little lion sitting on top. Oh, and the cutest guest book ever - a step stool with a giraffe hand-painted on the top with Joey's name (you can kind of see it to the right of the diaper cake - everyone signed the bottom with a Sharpie, and my brother is going to clear-coat the whole thing).

We received so many wonderful gifts - I swear, Joey will be dressed better than both Mike or I for the next year or so! The nursery is totally outfitted, save for a changing pad to go on top of Joey's dresser, and "one of those baby speaker things" (AKA: a baby monitor) as Mike said the other night.

And now, we wait...